Monday, 27 September 2010

The olde soul patch goes wild

Nine floors up in Toronto

Waking: Had a thumb war with Thom Yorke. Visited his country house to buy a car from him. Ended up going for a walk with him in the English countryside. He was throwing tiny soup crackers in to the muddy fields because it was at the top of his 'To Do List'. He gave me a cast iron skateboard. I won the the thumb war but he has strong little thumbs. Powerful like an otter.

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Landlocked and snug

Felt the sun set in Cincinatti. Felt it.

Left it.

Put smoke on this moon when it got bright-glass-white when all else got black black dark.

Then crossed a bridge in to Kentucky.


Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Tuesday, 14 September 2010


New wheels like new shoes
promise to run you forever.


and cute.

Swift Sept

A chimney in Portland. A school.

With interest.



Thousands of swifts swarm and nest inside this chimney at dusk-time all through September. If you're in Portland go. It's really magic how they whip up together, how they all fit together in this chimney. Doing nature with audience.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Come back

did I dream you?

Monday, 6 September 2010

Face off

Where to look? The guy with his own personal rain cloud?

The guy "magically" stuffing a nail up his nose?